Friday, May 23, 2008

trying to get back in the blogging game

Dave's soccer years. (They were sanitized.)

My lil' cutie pie!
The server girls.

Dave and his two best friends
Us more...and I am not so sure about you two.

Hello To The Blogging World,

Well, I am once again trying to blog, since I last did, I have a new pc- laptop @ that, thanx to Uncle Sam-lol Alot has happened since I last blogged, but for the sake of boring you I won't go into to much d-tail. Most recent would be mother's day first, I am thankful I still have my mom,even though she has major health issues, so we celebrated the week b-4 as my brother was down for a visit, and we had a nice time. Then, two weeks after mom's day, was the big 50 party for my hubby. I had planned for about 31/2 mths and finally on May 16th it came to pass! What a time we had there were about 45 or 50 guests, and all the servers were dressed in "50's costumes and they were sooo cute,and they did a great job, handling most of the orders they were given. Dave really got the surprise of a lifetime, his expression I will never forget!! Be sure to look for pix as soon as I figure out how to load them. I am still re-cooping from the event, as I usually end up taking my kitchen and all of my catering things. Tht is why I titled this blog, "ntertaingingrdlite"-interrpeted as "entertaining our delite"! We had a good time and he got many nice gifts-gift cards to take me out to Lowes, Bob's etc..... lol {not really} they are for him!

Ok, signing off for now, look for pix!!

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